Art of Interfaith Understanding: Connections: Passover and Holy Week Illustrated in Art
In 2025, Passover and Holy Week will be observed simultaneously. Paraphrasing Krister Stendahl: “If Christians from different denominations are brothers and sisters in Christ, then we might say that Christians and Jews are cousins in faith.” This program focuses on the themes and rituals of Passover and Holy Week: significant days in closely related traditions. The presentation and discussion will feature art illustrating fascinating similarities and notable differences in the themes and rituals being observed
Rev. John B. Hougen, PhD, Coordinator, Art of Interfaith Understanding Series
Art of Interfaith Understanding is sponsored by the Philadelphia Museum of Art’s Division for Community Engagement, and the Church of St. Martin in the Fields, Philadelphia.
Artwork: The Last Supper by Rod Borghese, Contemporary Indigenous Ojibway Canadian Artist.