Sierra Cole
February 6, 2025
Abby Stamelman Hocky
November 2, 2023Marilyn first connected with Interfaith Philadelphia through the Walking the Walk program for teens, initially as a mentor and then as a Group Leader. Working with high school youth turned out to be an ideal role; she was energized and inspired by the opportunities to build bridges and nurture friendships across many faith traditions. Although each year’s journey took its own unique path, each iteration of Walking the Walk was mind opening and heart opening.
Most of Marilyn’s career was in education where she was first a classroom teacher, then an elementary school counselor, and later a student teaching supervisor. She earned her Bachelor’s of Science in Education at Millersville University and her Master’s Degree in School Counseling at West Chester University. Her favorite pastimes include participating in a book club and a cookbook club, doing all kinds of puzzles, geocaching, and hiking at Tyler Arboretum.